Looking for a new read? If you’re into photography, you might want to check out HEFT. A self/hand-made journal and photo fanzine created by artists with the philosophy of showcasing idiosyncracies rather than perfection. It is founded by Marc Schuhmann, a fashion-focused photographer and creator of “The Berlin Fashion Week Photodiary”. Out this month, HEFT#1 includes images, sketches and paintings. What makes this journal authentic is that artists design each page by themselves, writing something personal about their images. This November issue presents works from Christoph Neumann, Miriam Marlene Waldner, and Marc Schuhmann. Since it is limited to only 30 copies with 32 pages each, if you manage to get a hold of it, you can consider it a collectors’ item!
Size 16cm x 20cm, 32 Seiten, Kartoneinband geheftet
Artists in this edition: Christoph Neumann, Marc Schuhmann, Miriam Marlene Waldner, Vanessa Mia Matic (Lyrics)
Date of release: November 2013